Monday, July 5, 2010

Capitalism Stole My Virginity

Today was the last day of my two weeks of Holiday-Work. It was a good two weeks and I will miss everyone at the Council but I am SO happy to have (nearly) a week to just relax. Tomorrow I am going shopping with my mother and Olivia. I intend to purchase a new sports bra. That is about all that I need. What I would REALLY like is a billion dollars for postgraduate study. I was looking into Masters programmes overseas today, and saw this amazing one where you spread your time between 2-3 different Nordic universities over 2 years. It's so perfect except I just don't think I can afford it. It's here, if anyone's interested. I'm going to just apply for every scholarship I can for every overseas Masters programme I think... hopefully I will get one, somewhere.. I think being a female helps as Energy Management tends to be a male-dominated field. So, yay for being a girl! :D

Anyway, before I think too much about that I've gotta focus on getting my undergrad degrees, I guess. I'm trying to plan my study for this coming semester but there is just way too much uncertainty. Like, I don't know if I can count one of my papers towards my degree or not (when I asked last year, I was given a "maybe".. how helpful.) I also don't know whether one of the papers I want to do is offered this semester. Word on the street is that it's not, but there is absolutely nothing on the website to indicate this fact, and I am enrolled in it and course approved for it and everything. So we will see. Somehow I will end up graduating from both my degrees at the end of 2011, I am determined to do that. I cannot stay here any longer. I want to leave Dunedin and I want to leave NZ. Not that I don't like them, but I think I've got everything out of them that I can for now.. I need a change of scenery, and soooon..... It's encouraging to think that the end is in sight.

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