Saturday, April 16, 2011

I went to a party

I went to an undies party. My friends were there and that was fine.

There were some boys next door having a normal clothes-on sort of party. We stood on the deck and everyone yelled at them and I stood there silently but they still picked me out and said they wanted me.

They came over and introduced themselves and touched me and asked me to dance and asked me to go upstairs but none of them talked to me and I felt sad and worthless.

Then when one did bother to talk to me I think I felt sadder and more worthless. He was genuinely concerned and quite distressed that I don't have any plans in life and I don't know where I'll be next year and I don't know where I want to be in 30 years. He's going to be a doctor. Medicine is a good degree to take, he says, because you can walk straight out of it into a career and you know where you're going. What on earth do you do with a degree in Energy Management? If he was me, he says, he wouldn't be able to sleep at night not knowing what awaits.

I'm really not sure what I think about this. I don't know whether I think he's boring or whether I envy him a little. I think maybe a bit of both. Mostly I don't know what I think of myself.


  1. Forgive me, but the biggest hurdle I'm struggling to get over is the first six words. People have "undies parties"?! I want to go! I have awesome Star Wars pants that I want to show off.

    Most of the excitement of being at university is not knowing what you're going to do afterwards. I have daydreams (daynightmares) where I imagine that my life is planned out for me and I'll never escape the plan and the road I'm on has no exits and I'll work and work on the work I'm doing now until I die. I'm 21 and I'm doing the same thing now as I will be when I die. Faaaaaantastic.

    I feel sorry for that guy, his future sounds bleak. Can't remember the last time I spoke to an interesting medic.

    So yeah, keep on rocking! Your future is blindingly bright with opportunities and shit! x

  2. That guy was a cock. I hate doctors. He will be the kind of doctor who says "mmmhmmm mhhhmmm take this pill and come back in a week". You know what you can do with energy management?? You can manage some energy.
    That, or go work overseas and have an exciting life while Doctor No Balls will be crying into his prune juice every Sunday night because he wishes he had not spent half his life in med school.
    The last time I saw you in your undies I was all over you. I have been all over you when you are fully clothed. Therefore there is no evidence taht you should feel worthless whilst in yore undies.
    P.S. What is Tigger up to thses days?? Haven't heard from him in awhile.
