I do not exist to entertain you when you are bored. Bored people are boring. My mother always told me that only boring people get bored. I think she was right.
If you feel a burning desire to contact me, don't ask me how I am or what I am up to and don't ask me for favours. Unless you are on my List Of People Who Are Fucking Awesome, you probably won't get a reply.
I can't build relationships. I prefer to interact with people on a casual basis. Like applying the one night stand or the fuckbuddy concept to friendships.
People always laugh at me. They think I'm joking when I'm not. Or maybe I am, I'm not sure myself.
Double standards are uncool. You don't want to be uncool, do you?
I am a fucking failure at life and the Fraud Police are going to get me but maybe being put in Fraud Jail isn't the worst thing that could happen.
I have no self-control when it comes to eating or the internet.
I don't know what I want. I think I just want it ALL.
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