I heart my parents.
Mama Chiz is overseas, and for Papa Chiz's 64th birthday I have been instructed to play him "When I'm 64" and then give him the following along with a bottle of wine:
Now that you’re balding
Getting a few wrinkles
Here’s birthday greetings
And a bottle of wine.
If you’re out til quarter to three a.m.
I definitely would lock the door!
But I still need you
I’ll still feed you
When you’re 64.
I am older
And I say yes, please
We can stay together for your old age pension.
You are so handy
making concrete blocks
and I enjoy knitting
but under air conditioning
doing the garden, digging the weeds
but don’t forget the compost
and I do still need you
and I'll still feed you
whatever age you'll attain.
Forget the summer cottage
Omit the grandchildren
My knees are too frail for them
Is it too late now to learn
Scrimping and Saving?
Do you still need a postcard
When you get multiple emails
Get with the times, old fellow
We’re whizzing in cyberspace now!
And yes I still need you
And I will still feed you
When you’re sixty-four.
And here's them at their wedding long before they ever became parents to a Chiz
(a chiz is a swiz or a swindle as ane fule kno)